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Work Permits


Minors under the age of 18 are required to have a work permit prior to starting work. Minors under the age of 18 cannot be employed or permitted to work, with or without pay, or volunteer until the person, company, business, firm or corporation proposing to employ the minor obtains and keeps on file at the minor's place of employment (work location) a current and valid age appropriate work permit, which has been issued by a state of Michigan issuing officer of the school district, intermediate school district, public school academy or nonpublic school prior to starting work.


The minor first must submit a CA-6 or CA-7 to a state of Michigan school district, intermediate school district, public school academy or nonpublic school official designated as an issuing officer and provide one of the following acceptable forms of evidence of age:

A certified copy of birth record or other proof of age showing the place and date of birth

  • A certified copy of valid operator's license issued by this state showing date of birth
  • The school record or the school census record
  • The sworn statement of minor's parent/guardian and statement from physician
  • If a minor comes from another state to work in Michigan, the minor should bring a certified birth certificate and an unofficial transcript from the out-of-state school attended which includes the school's complete name, address, city, state, zip code, county and telephone number.

Minors seeking employment who are homeschooled shall be issued a work permit by the state of Michigan issuing officer of the school district, intermediate school district, public school academy, or nonpublic school in which the minor's residence or prospective employer is located.  The minor must present a signed, written statement from the parent or guardian, as the instructor of record, indicating how many hours per week the student is being homeschooled (Nonpublic and Home School information).  The state of Michigan issuing officer will attach the parent/guardian statement to the work permit and keep a copy of the statement with their copy of the work permit filed at the school.

Follow these steps:

Step 1 - Download and print the proper work permit from the links below

Step 2 - The minor and parent/guardian must complete Section I of the work permit in its entirety (all areas must be completed).

Step 3 - After completing Section I, the minor then takes the work permit to the employer.  The employer must complete Section II of the work permit, in its entirety (all areas must be completed including listing all work the minor will be performing, equipment and/or tools minor will use, starting and ending hours to be worked, number of days per week to be worked and number of hours per days to be worked, etc).

Step 4 -  After the employer has completed Section II, the minor must submit the work permit to a state of Michigan school district, intermediate school district, public school academy or nonpublic school official designated issuing officer for review and to complete section III. (This would be your high school unless your high school is closed for July. If your high school is closed you will bring the permit to Central office at 32500 Shiawassee St. Farmington MI, 48136) Please bring a valid Driver's License or Student ID.

The issuing officer must copy the work permit and place the work permit in the minor's permanent school file and return the original work permit to the minor.

Step 5 - The minor must give the original work permit (after the designated official issuing officer has reviewed and approved by signing and dating) to the employer prior to start of work which is kept on file at the minor's place of employment.



CA-6 Work Permit for minor under 16 years of age

CA-7 Work Permit for minor 16 to 17 years of age 

Permit Distinctions:  The amended act eliminates the use of yellow and pink colored permits for certain age groups.  Act 90 now distinguishes work permits for youth under age 18 as follows:

  • Minors 16 and 17 years old-the work permit must be formatted and printed in portrait orientation.
  • Minors under 16 years old-the work permit must:

(i) clearly indicate the minor is under 16 years of age and

(ii) be formatted and printed in landscape orientation.