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Student Scheduling and Course Guide


Dance 4 - Dance Company Audition - Dance Company Audition Application This class takes place at Farmington High School. Students who wish to  participate in Dance Company must complete this application and audition.  Please be aware that students must provide their own transportation to participate in this program.

TV10 Application -  TV 10 Application This class takes place at North Farmington.  Students who wish to participate in TV10 must complete an application.  Please be aware that students must provide their own transportation to participate in this program.

International Baccalaureate

EMT Application - Students who wish to take the Emergency Medical Technician Course must complete this application process. EMT Application/Teacher Recommendation Form



21f Application: Students wishing to take 1 or 2 online courses in place of the equivalent number of FHS/NFHS courses.

Credit Exchange Form: Students who want to exchange a 2nd year World Language for a CTE program OR Students who wish to exchange a science class for a CTE program.

Dual Enrollment -  Students who wish to take a college course in place of one of their FHS/NFHS classes.  Please review this dual enrollment process, and reach out to your counselor for more information.  Attending a college class while a high school student is possible when the District and State of Michigan eligibility guidelines are followed. Contact your counselor for information. 


Special Programs


Other Information

Graduation Recognition, Early Graduation, College Admission Info  

Testing Out Procedures

FPS Math Electives 

Grading Policy- Grading System, Requests for Grade Changes, Retaking Classes, Class Rank


Schedule Changes 

All requests for schedule changes are due by the third day of the semester.  Requests for schedule changes are for the following reasons:

  • The student has an incomplete schedule
  • The student has a failure from the previous semester in a prerequisite course (based on availability).
  • The student completed a course previously that is on the schedule (repeat)
  • Student has both terms of a class in the same semester (A and B).
  • Classes are out of sequence.
  • Seniors missing a graduation requirement.
  • Student did not request the course or select it as an alternate.

If you meet the above criteria,  complete the form listed below, indicate your name and grade, check the bullet point that applies to you and explain what needs to be changed. 

Student Schedule Change Request Form - Farmington HighNorth Farmington High

Requests for other reasons, including level changes, must be made in writing by the student and approved by
administration. Upon Administrator approval, changes can only be made based on availability.

Your counselor will email you to let you know whether or not a change is possible.