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Scholarship Opportunities

Students and their families are encouraged to apply for grants and scholarships to reduce the financial burden of continuing their formal education after high school.  While grants are generally awarded to students demonstrating financial need, scholarships are often based on merit and/or financial need considerations.

Local 2024 Scholarship Applications are now available online. See Local Scholarships section below for access instructions.

Scholarship/Grant Searches

Federal Student Aid 
Start your search for financial aid using the Federal Government website.  Federal Student Aid, an office of the U.S. Department of Education, plays a central and essential role in America's postsecondary education community. Its core mission is to ensure that all eligible individuals benefit from federal financial assistance—grants, loans and work-study programs—for education beyond high school. Services include a Financial Aid Wizard and Scholarship Search.

This free online site lets you search for scholarships based on specific characteristics such as college, ethnicity, gender, activities, area of study and interests.  Members are matched to relevant scholarship opportunities. Additionally, members can access financial aid tips and job and internship matches in our area.


FPS Counseling Offices Scholarship Bulletin

Information on a number of different scholarship opportunities available to graduating seniors

Local Scholarships

Many organizations within FPS and in the Farmington area community offer scholarships for seniors in partnership with the school district and/or our local education foundation. A brief description of these scholarships and their eligibility requirements are listed below.

2024 SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE:  Scholarship applications and references must be completed and submitted by Friday, April 19, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.  

The Farmington/Farmington Hills Education Foundation supports an online scholarship application process for our students that can be accessed here: https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=farmingtonscholarship
When you reach the Foundation's Scholarship and Grant page, you will need to create your application account. Once you have created your account, you will receive a confirmation email. Once you have confirmed your account creation, it will take you to the Apply page, where you will take an Eligibility Quiz. Once you have completed the quiz, the scholarships that you are eligible for will be displayed. (There may also be additional eligibility questions within each scholarship application.) Click on Apply to any of the displayed scholarships to begin the application process. Please note, once you have completed one application, there is an option within each application to copy previous answers for identical questions. 
Students should contact their high school counselor with any questions. All applications must be completed online. No paper applications are available.
Getting Started
Step 1: Register on the online scholarship and grant portal. https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=farmingtonscholarship
Step 2: Take the online eligibility quiz
Step 3: Complete the online scholarship applications you qualify for and are interested in
Step 4: Submit the applications and any requests for recommendations within the online scholarship portal. You will receive a confirmation email for all submissions.
Step 5: If a scholarship application requires a recommendation, log onto the online scholarship portal to ensure your recommendations have been submitted. If recommendations have not yet been submitted, contact your references to remind them of the April 19, 2024 deadline.


Local Scholarship Descriptions

FPS District-Wide Scholarships

  • AAUW Farmington Leadership Scholarship - One $500 award - In 2022, the AAUW Farmington branch sponsored its first high school scholarship. The AAUW Farmington Leadership Scholarship is offered to all graduating seniors planning to continue their education through community college, college or university. A minimum 2.5 grade point average is required along with an essay sharing your perspective on gender equality and its impact on your world. The scholarship amount is $500.
  • Dan Lee Memorial Scholarship - One $1000 award - The Dan Lee Memorial Scholarship was originally established in 2002 by a group of Dan’s family, friends, and classmates to honor his memory as an honors student, cross-country athlete, and a talented artist. The purpose of this memorial scholarship is to recognize others like Dan by providing $1,000 in educational financial support to be used on tuition, textbooks, testing fees, etc. in pursuit of a college degree. Requirements for this scholarship include: applicants must be a FPS graduating senior, have a 3.0 GPA or better, show evidence of community service, and write a one-page essay explaining how the scholarship would be used and what being awarded the Dan Lee Memorial Scholarship would mean to them.
  • Farmington Education Association Scholarship – Up to three $1,000 awards awards, renewable for up
    to four years (one from each high school)
    : Based on scholarship, financial need, community service, leadership, attendance at Farmington Public Schools for at least three years, GPA above 3.0, connections to education (intending a career in education, a parent who is an educator, etc); attending an in-state college or university. Applicants must submit an original essay exploring the impact public education has had on their lives either from the point of view of a future educator or from having a parent/guardian in education.
  • Farmington Elks #1986 Scholarship - Three $600 awards - In 2024, Farmington Elks #1986 established a $600 scholarship for three graduating seniors from Farmington Public Schools planning to continue their education at a community college or in a tuition-based trade or apprenticeship program. A minimum 2.0 grade point average is required.
  • Farmington Garden Club Scholarship - One $300 award - In 2024, the Farmington Garden Club
    is sponsoring its first high school scholarship. The Farmington Garden Club Scholarship is offered to all graduating seniors planning to continue their education through community college or a four-year college or university. A minimum 2.5 grade point average is required along with an essay sharing your community involvement in protecting and enhancing the environment including service projects, volunteer work and/or club activities.
  • Farmington Warnerette Scholarships – Two $500 awards. The Farmington Warnerettes launched two scholarships in 2023 to recognize community volunteerism. The Jean Schornick Memorial Scholarship is dedicated to longtime Governor Warner Mansion Volunteer Director Jean Schornick. Jean served the Farmington community for over 25 years by promoting and preserving local history and The Warner Mansion through community events and educational outreach. The Sharon Bernath Honorary Scholarship celebrates the many years of service Sharon Bernath dedicated to the Farmington community, The Governor Warner Mansion and historic preservation. This scholarship is a tribute to her as the founder of The Warnerettes Parasol Drill Team, created to bring awareness and support to the Governor Warner Mansion. A minimum 2.5 grade point average is required along with an essay sharing your perspective on the importance of volunteerism. Each scholarship amount is $500.
  • Hackbots 3414 - One $1,000 award - This special scholarship will be awarded to a graduating member of the 3414 Hackbots robotics program that has been accepted to an accredited community college, certificate program, or university and is actively involved in Hackbots 3414.
  • Rajim Foundation Scholarship – One $750 renewable award - The Rajim Foundation is a new organization interested in helping deserving students who show promise but who may not otherwise qualify for a traditional scholarship program. This scholarship is designed to assist an individual student with financial support and mentorship opportunity throughout the student’s higher education journey.
  • Patricia Weston Scholarship - One $1,000 award - This scholarship aims to provide for students planning on pursuing technical/vocational training leading to a certificate. A student with a 2.0 GPA or better planning on attending community college or certificate training programs is eligible to apply for this scholarship. Award recipient must attend their school's senior recognition event to accept the award.
  • Susan H. Zurvalec Leadership in Diversity Scholarship - One, $1000 award - This scholarship, in honor of retired FPS Superintendent Susan H. Zurvalec, celebrates student advocacy in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion in our schools and community.  The candidate must have been actively involved in a volunteer activity in the last 12 months that has had a significant, positive impact on race relations in his/her school or community and demonstrated recent school and community involvement and leadership in diversity.

District-Wide PTA/PTSA/FAAPN Scholarships

  • Beechview Alumni PTA Scholarship - One $500 award - Student must have attended Beechview Elementary School for at least two years, must currently be enrolled in a Farmington Public School, and must have "accepted" status at an accredited institution of higher learning.

  • C. Robert Maxfield PTA Council Scholarship - Three $500 awards - Up to three $500 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors of Farmington Public Schools pursuing college or trade school opportunities. To be eligible, a student must be an active member of the PTSA.

  • Farmington STEAM Academy (FSA) PTSA Scholarship - One $500 award - The student must have attended eighth grade at FSA, currently be enrolled in a Farmington Public School, and must have "accepted" status at an accredited institution of higher learning. Applicants must also submit a 500-word (maximum) essay on how attending FSA prepared them for high school and beyond.
  • Forest PTA Scholarship - One $500 Award - Student must have attended Forest Elementary School for at least one year and must currently be enrolled in a Farmington Public School with an "accepted" status at an accredited institution of higher learning.

  • Gill PTA McKennett Memorial Scholarship - One $500 award - Attended Gill Elementary, interested in music, religion, art, sports, and putting those interests into action through community service/volunteer work; member of a high school PTSA; and not related to a member of the Gill PTA Scholarship Committee.

  • Kenbrook Elementary PTA Scholarship - Two $500 awards - The student must have attended Kenbrook Elementary for at least one year, currently be enrolled in a Farmington Public School, and must have "accepted" status at an accredited institution of higher learning.

  • The Weems Pursuit of Goals Scholarship (Weems Family) - One $500 award - The purpose of the Weems Scholarship is to provide educational scholarship support to graduates of Farmington Public Schools. Cyrill and Terri Weems' family have established this scholarship to support FPS graduates looking to pursue education either through college/university or earning a vocational or career training certificate.

Local Scholarships – Farmington High School

  • Kay Briggs Memorial Scholarship - One $1,000 renewable award - Plans to major in Education or Engineering; U.S. Citizen; Farmington area resident for more than two years, and demonstrates school and community involvement and leadership. Reflections on the Life of Kay Briggs

  • Dick Burgess Memorial Scholarship - One $500 award - Must have taken a choir and/or acting class; maintained a B average in all choir/acting/English classes; has been accepted to an accredited institution of higher education; and participated in a play or musical at FHS in any capacity.

  • Fred Nassar Memorial Scholarship - One $500 award - Awarded to a student involved in FHS teams or organizations who exemplifies Mr. Nassar's dedication to school and community services.

  • Peter Tangora Memorial Scholarship - One $3000 award - Peter Tangora Memorial Scholarship was established in 2023 by Peter's family to honor his memory as a loving brother and 1983 Farmington High School graduate. The award will go to a Farmington High School graduating senior who has been in the Special Education program throughout high school and seeks to further their education either at a higher education institution or at a vocational/trade/job training program.  Applicants must include a letter of recommendation from one of their teachers. 

Local Scholarships – North Farmington High School

  • Dick DePaolis Memorial Scholarship - One $500 award - Varsity sports athletes who demonstrate leadership, academic discipline, and good sportsmanship on and off the field; minimum 3.0 GPA

  • The Cary Moore Memorial Scholarship - One $2,000 award - A male athlete participating in varsity athletics at North Farmington High School and planning on continuing their education at an accredited educational institution in the U.S.

Local Scholarships - Farmington Central High School

  • Dr. George Heitch and Family Scholarship - One $1,000 award - This award will go to a student planning on advancing their education post high school. Graduating seniors from Farmington Central High School (please note: This scholarship is not open to Graduation Alliance students) with a 2.0 GPA or greater are eligible to apply. One award will be presented. The award recipient must attend their school's senior recognition event to accept the award.