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Health and PE

Intro to an Active Lifestyle Co-ed

Intro to an Active Lifestyle-Males

Intro to an Active Lifestyle-Females

(NOTE: Health & PE: .5 credit of Intro to Active Lifestyle or 1 credit of Dance will fulfill the PE requirement)

This required course provides students with a solid foundation in physical education instruction as well as insight for future elective courses. Students will experience instruction in cardiovascular training and strength conditioning as part of a lifelong fitness plan. Activities include both team, individual sports and lifelong activities. An introduction to swimming is a required unit of study that explores safety techniques, stroke instruction, diving, water games, and conditioning. Weekly classroom instructional experiences may be incorporated.

**Pathway: Health Sciences

COURSE NOTE: This course, along with HPE200 - Health, meets the grad requirements for Physical Education.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
CO-REQUISITE:  HPE200 - Health

Health Co-ed



This required course emphasizes the practical application of knowledge and skill to promote healthful daily living. Wise decision-making skills are nurtured as students explore a variety of health related topics such as mental health, nutrition, eating disorders, physical fitness, substance abuse, human sexuality, growth and development, reproductive health, infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS, abuse and violence prevention, sexual harassment prevention, and consumer health decisions. Students are encouraged to take personal responsibility for making healthy decisions regarding their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Personal assessments, role-playing, problem-solving, and a multitude of hands-on learning activities reinforce learning.

**Pathway: Health Sciences

COURSE NOTE: This course along with HPE100 - Intro to an Active Lifestyle, meets the grad requirements for Physical Education.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
CO-REQUISITE:  HPE100 - Intro to an Active Lifestyle

Personal Fitness and Strength Training

This course is designed for those students who wish to tone up and improve their personal fitness levels and Strength. Opportunities are presented to improve or maintain cardiovascular efficiency, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, speed, power, agility, and balance. Students will engage in weekly classroom experiences that emphasize personal lifestyle decisions related to reducing cardiovascular risk factors and establishing a high quality lifestyle. Through health and fitness self-assessments students will learn how to design a personal fitness program that enables them to achieve their desired level of personal fitness. 

**Pathway: Health Science

COURSE NOTE: This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: HPE100 - Intro to an Active Lifestyles or HPE111A/B - Dance 1 

Athletic Conditioning

This course is designed for athletes who wish to improve their fitness levels through strength training, agility training, speed training, and mobility training. Opportunities are presented to improve or maintain cardiovascular efficiency, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, speed, power, agility, and balance. Students will engage in weekly classroom experiences that emphasize personal growth in their overall health and skill related fitness levels. Through health and fitness self-assessments, students will learn how to design and implement a sport-specific training program that enables them to achieve their desired level of athletic performance. Student must provide their own transportation for field trips and a fee based class.

**Pathway: Health Sciences

COURSE NOTE:  This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12

Advanced Athletic Conditioning

Advanced athletic conditioning is for current JV and Varsity athletes that have already completed the PE requirement.  This class will focus on overall fitness levels, strength, speed, and agility training.

TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: Teacher/Counselor recommendation/participation in an FPS extra-curricular sports program

Dance 1A

This introductory course will emphasize the proper execution of basic dance movements that include elements of ballet, modern, and jazz techniques. Students will learn specifically designed exercises to gain the muscular strength, flexibility, and coordination to support the performance of physically demanding skills. Students will feel the benefits of improved posture and alignment as movement will become more efficient and balanced. Through a series of creative movement activities, the students will develop the ability to communicate ideas and concepts through dance. Students will contribute to a major choreographic project that will be presented in a culminating dance performance.

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: This course is offered only at FHS, transportation is provided for NFHS students. This class along with 09515B - Dance 1B will fulfill the PE requirement. This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HPE111B - Dance 1B

Dance 1B

This introductory course will emphasize the proper execution of basic dance movements that include elements of ballet, modern, and jazz techniques. Students will learn specifically designed exercises to gain the muscular strength, flexibility, and coordination to support the performance of physically demanding skills. Students will feel the benefits of improved posture and alignment as movement will become more efficient and balanced. Through a series of creative movement activities, the students will develop the ability to communicate ideas and concepts through dance. Students will contribute to a major choreographic project that will be presented in a culminating dance performance.

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: This course is offered only at FHS, transportation is provided for NFHS students. This class along with 09515A - Dance 1A will fulfill the PE requirement. This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HPE111A - Dance 1A

Dance 2A

This course is for students interested in improving and developing their technical and creative skills beyond the Dance 1 level.

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: This course is offered only at FHS.  This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: Grades 10-12 (freshmen may audition to be placed in a higher level of dance). 
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HPE112B - Dance 2B

Dance 2B

This course is for students interested in improving and developing their technical and creative skills beyond the Dance 1 level. 

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: This course is offered only at FHS.  This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: Grades 10-12 (freshmen may audition to be placed in a higher level of dance).
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HPE112A - Dance 2A

Dance 3A

This course will emphasize intermediate technical skills, academic concepts and composition beyond the Dance 1 & 2 level. This class will focus on composition elements such as improvisation, rhythm skills, phrasing, musical elements, aspects of movement, space, time and energy, individual composition assignments and qualities of movement. This course will also provide students the opportunity to develop stress reduction techniques and to improve their levels of physical fitness - muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, coordination, posture, balance and cardio respiratory endurance. 

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: Enrollment in this course is subject to audition.  This course is offered only at FHS.  This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: Grades 10-12 (freshmen may audition to be placed in a higher level of dance). 
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HPE113B - Dance 3B

Dance 3B

This course will emphasize intermediate technical skills, academic concepts and composition beyond the Dance 1 & 2 level. This class will focus on composition elements such as improvisation, rhythm skills, phrasing, musical elements, aspects of movement, space, time and energy, individual composition assignments and qualities of movement. This course will also provide students the opportunity to develop stress reduction techniques and to improve their levels of physical fitness - muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, coordination, posture, balance and cardio respiratory endurance. This course is available for repeat credit

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: Enrollment in this course is subject to audition.  This course is offered only at FHS.  This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: Grades 10-12 (freshmen may audition to be placed in a higher level of dance).
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HPE113A - Dance 3A

Dance 4A

Dance 4 (Dance Company) is a performance-oriented course for advanced dancers. Company members are required to participate in rehearsals, local and community dance concerts, masters classes, auditions and special dance events beyond the normal school day. Company members may choreograph dances for the Company if provided prior consent from the instructor. This course will also provide students the opportunity to develop stress reduction techniques and to improve their levels of physical fitness - muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, coordination, posture, balance and cardio respiratory endurance.

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: Enrollment in this course is subject to audition.  AUDITION APPLICATION  This course is offered only at FHS, NFHS Students are responsible for their own transportation.    This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: Grades 9-12 (Entry by Audition only) 
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HPE114B - Dance 4B

Dance 4B

Dance 4 (Dance Company) is a performance-oriented course for advanced dancers. Company members are required to participate in rehearsals, local and community dance concerts, masters classes, auditions and special dance events beyond the normal school day. Company members may choreograph dances for the Company if provided prior consent from the instructor. This course will also provide students the opportunity to develop stress reduction techniques and to improve their levels of physical fitness - muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, coordination, posture, balance and cardio respiratory endurance.

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

TYPE: Regular
GRADE: Grades 9-12 (Entry by Audition only)
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HPE114A - Dance 4A

Active Yoga & Pilates

Active Yoga and Pilates will help master the mind-body connection, develop muscular balance, core stability, strength and flexibility, as well as, reduce stress, increase energy and enhance concentration. Through a series of physical poses or Asanas, yoga teaches how to quiet the mind by placing attention on the breath and on the movement (and stillness) of the body. Students will learn Vinyasa, the ancient aerobic form that combines hatha yoga postures with fluid movement and focused breath. Pilates improves core abdominal strength and balances the muscles around the joints, improving the way the body functions, looks and feels. It focuses specifically on: breathing, pelvic placement, rib-cage placement, scapular movement, head & cervical spine placement. While working with the knowledge of technical placement during the exercises, students are able to work more efficiently, achieving greater intensity with fewer repetitions. This course is available for repeat credit.

**Pathway: Health Sciences

COURSE NOTE:  This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: HPE100 - Intro to an Active Lifestyles or HPE111A/B - Dance 1 

Advanced Swimming and Lifeguard Training

This course trains students to be professional rescuers. This includes American Red Cross Lifeguard Training, CPR, and First Aid. Upon successful completion of this course students can receive certificates that could qualify them for Lifeguarding positions. Activities include; conditioning, rescuing, demonstration of skills to the demands of required in lifeguard training. To obtain possible American Red Cross Certification there is a minimum fee of $35. This course is available for repeat credit.

**Pathway: Health Sciences

COURSE NOTE: You must be able to swim 500 yards (20 laps) non-stop, tread water without using your hands for 3 minutes, and retrieve a brick at the deep end of the pool.  This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: HPE100 - Intro to an Active Lifestyles or HPE111A/B - Dance 1 

Outdoor Education PE

This course offers instruction in activities that emphasize enjoyment of lifetime sports, leisure activities, and recreational adventure and stresses the importance of lifetime participation. Instruction in basic wilderness skills, respect and stewardship for the environment, nutrition, and lifetime fitness concepts in an outdoor environment are also included. Active participation is the key element to this class. We will introduce snorkeling, scuba, kayaking, backpacking, biking, hiking, navigation, adventure based activities, and other non-traditional recreational games. It is not limited to these activities.

**Pathway: Health Sciences

COURSE NOTE: This class anticipates that students will contribute money for field trips and activities. If you have questions or concerns about the fees, please see your counselor.  No school transportation is provided to daily activities. It is the student’s responsibility to have or get transportation to and from off campus activities. This course can be repeated for credit once the basic physical education requirements have been met.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: HPE100 - Intro to an Active Lifestyles-Co ed or HPE111A/B - Dance 1 

Sports Exploration

This course will ensure students the opportunity to maintain an appropriate level of fitness, improve their skills, and develop stress reduction techniques through effective participation in team, individual and net sports. Actual competition in various team sports in the form of games, matches and tournaments, and a growing understanding of rules that govern these activities is included. Students will also have the opportunity to demonstrate practical application of the rules by officiating the various sports activities. Activities may include soccer, touch/flag football, speedball, team handball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, basketball, softball, field hockey. Emphasis will be on developing, maintaining and improving overall fitness through participation in team activities. 

**Pathway: Health Sciences

COURSE NOTE:  This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: HPE100 - Intro to an Active Lifestyle or HPE111A/B - Dance 1 

IBDP Sports, Exercise & Health Science A/B

This is a ONE YEAR College Level Course.  It is a perfect fit for anyone interested in Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing or Medicine.  It incorporates the traditional disciplines of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology and nutrition, which are studied in the context of Sport, Exercise and Health. Students will cover a range of  topics and carry out practical (experimental) investigations in both laboratory and field settings. This will provide an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and understanding necessary to apply scientific principles and critically analyze performance. Where relevant, the course will address issues of international dimension and ethics by considering sport, exercise and health relative to the individual and in a global context. 

IB Sports, Exercise and Health Science Curriculum

COURSE NOTE: SEHS video, will introduce you to SEHS-created by an IBDP student. 

Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. The most important aims of assessment in the Diploma Programme are that it should support curricular goals and encourage appropriate student learning. Both external and internal assessments are used in the Diploma Programme. IB examiners mark work produced for external assessment, while work produced for internal assessment is marked by teachers and externally moderated by the IB.  An optional final exam is available for college credit in the spring of your Junior or Senior year, dependent on when you take the course.

TYPE: International Baccalaureate
GRADE: 11-12