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TV-10 Broadcast

Intro to TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production A

Students from both high schools have the opportunity to become members of the TV-10 family. They will receive hands-on experience in the operation of TV-10, the Farmington Public School's cable television station. Students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves into the field of Broadcast Journalism. They will use industry standard equipment including a TV-10 truck to produce live and remote productions. TV-10 covers sporting events, concerts and district meetings all of which require creativity and the chance for students to participate in programming that will air on the cable station throughout the year.

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: This course is only available at NFHS. FHS students must provide/arrange for their own transportation.  Application required, turn in to your counselor when scheduling classes.
  NF - TV 10 Application

Combine with the completion of HCT835B - Intro to TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production B to complete the state-approved state-approved formal CTE program for 1.0 exchange credit in Science or World Language or Visual,Performing & Arts. Articulation may be available upon completion of this course.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HCT835B - Intro to TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production B

Intro to TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production B

This course continues upon the foundations learned in Intro to TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production A and specifically focuses on video editing using the industry standard AVID Media Composer software. Students from all high schools have the opportunity to become members of the TV-10 family. Students will receive hands-on experience in the operation of TV-10, the Farmington Public School's cable television station. Students will immerse themselves into the field of Broadcast Journalism, using industry-standard HD equipment, including the TV-10 remote production truck to produce live and remote productions. TV-10 covers sporting events, concerts and district meetings, all of which require creativity and provide students with the chance to participate in programming that will air on the cable station throughout the year. 

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: This course is only available at NFHS. FHS students must provide/arrange for their own transportation.  Application required, turn in to your counselor when scheduling classes.  
NF - TV 10 Application

Combine with the completion of HCT835A - Intro to TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production A to complete the state-approved state-approved formal CTE program for 1.0 exchange credit in Science or World Language or Visual,Performing & Arts. Articulation may be available upon completion of this course.

TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HCT835A - Intro to TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production A

Advanced TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production A

Students will step into a leadership role for TV-10 to produce, manage, report and broadcast the news and events for Farmington Public Schools. Reporters will lead a crew throughout the district to gather information, interview and shoot video footage. Anchors will write and produce stories for news. Announcers will broadcast play-by-play and color commentary for sporting events and managers will ensure the operations of TV-10 are running smoothly. This course continues the hands-on team approach to learning.

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

NOTE: This course is only available at NFHS. FHS students must provide/arrange for their own transportation. This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Advanced
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: HCT835B - Intro to TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production A & B
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HCT836B - Advanced TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production B

Advanced TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production B

Students will step into a leadership role for TV-10 to produce, manage, report and broadcast the news and events for Farmington Public Schools. Reporters will lead a crew throughout the district to gather information, interview and shoot video footage. Anchors will write and produce stories for news. Announcers will broadcast play-by-play and color commentary for sporting events and managers will ensure the operations of TV-10 are running smoothly. This course continues the hands-on team approach to learning.

** Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: This course is only available at NFHS. FHS students must provide/arrange for their own transportation. This course is available for repeat credit.
TYPE: Advanced
GRADE: 10-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HCT836A - Advanced TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production A

TV-10 Field Study

The focus of this course is on portfolio building and program creation, including script writing, producing, set planning and construction. Throughout this course, students will serve as on-air talent for TV-10 news programs, operate the TV-10 remote production truck for district events and connect with industry professionals to learn more about the industry.

** Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: This course is only available at NFHS. FHS students must provide/arrange for their own transportation.
TYPE: Advanced
GRADE: 11-12
PREREQUISITE: HCT836A/B - Advanced TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production 

TV-10 Film Production Senior Field Study

The focus of this course is on portfolio building, advanced studio and field film production, and editing with emphasis on visual and aural storytelling, creative camera and lighting techniques, shot continuity, audio, graphics and special effects. Throughout this course, students will operate the TV-10 remote production truck for district events and connect with industry professionals to learn more about the industry.

**Pathway: Arts & Communication

COURSE NOTE: This is a travel course for FHS; students must provide/arrange for their own transportation.
TYPE: Advanced
PREREQUISITE: HCT836A/B - Advanced TV-10 Broadcast & Film Production