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Business Management & Administration

Business Management

This project-based course will provide students with an understanding of the basic theories and principles by which businesses are organized and managed in modern society. Students will explore the four key business functions: human resources, marketing, accounting/finance, and operations. Additionally, they will demonstrate strategic decision-making, problem solving, leadership, social responsibility, and other essential management functions necessary for the ever-changing global economy. Students will write business correspondence, record financial information, and create charts and graphs for professional business presentations and simulations. This is a recognized course for paid Business Work-Based Learning (formerly Coop). College credit is available for all students earning a grade of B or above through articulation agreements with Ferris State University and Baker College.

**Pathway: Business, Management, Marketing & Technology

COURSE NOTE: Combine with completion of HCT809 - Business Law to complete the state-approved formal CTE program for 1.0 exchange credit in Science or World Language or Visual, Performing & Applied Arts. College credits are available for all students (earning a grade of B or above) through articulation agreements with Baker College and Ferris State University.  Upon completion of this course and HCT809 - Business Law, students earning a 2.0 or better in both courses are required to take a state-mandated Common Technical Assessment.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12

Business Law

This course introduces the fundamental principles of business law. Topics covered include: business ethics; civil law and procedure; business crimes and torts; contracts; labor and employment; intellectual property; consumer rights and protections; and courts, litigation, and alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Analysis of relevant cases and current issues in the law will be incorporated to encourage analytical thinking. This course is a foundation in law for those planning to major in business in college. Prospective business owners, managers, accountants, attorneys, paralegals and anyone seeking to gain or broaden their general understanding of the legal system will benefit from this course. This course is a related course for paid Business Work-Based Learning (formerly Coop). Students should contact the CTE teacher for more information.

**Pathway: Business, Management, Marketing & Technology

COURSE NOTE: Combine with completion of HCT810 - Business Management to complete the state-approved formal CTE program for 1.0 exchange credit in Science or World Language or Visual, Performing & Applied Arts. Upon completion of this course and HCT810 - Business Management, students earning a 2.0 or better in both courses are required to take a state-mandated Common Technical Assessment.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12

IBDP Business Management A/B/C/D

This class is a two-year college-level course (four semesters), started in 11th grade.  This course can be taken as part of the IB Diploma Programme OR as an individual course separate from the Diploma Programme.

Business Management is a rigorous and dynamic discipline that gives students an international perspective of business. Emphasis is placed on the following business functions: human resource management (HRM), finance and accounting, marketing, and operations management. Links between these topics are central to the course, as this integration promotes a complete overview of business management.

This course covers a range of organizations from all sectors, as well as the socio-cultural and economic contexts in which those organizations operate. It also explores how individuals and groups interact within an organization, how they may be successfully managed, and how they can ethically optimize the use of resources in a world with increasing scarcity and concern for sustainability.

The curriculum is designed to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of business management theories, as well as their ability to apply a range of tools, techniques, and skills, such as financial analysis. In addition, the course aims to develop transferable skills such as the ability to think critically and strategically; make ethically sound and well-informed decisions; understand the pace, nature, and significance of change; undertake long-term planning, analysis, and evaluation; and create and execute professional business presentations.

IB Business and Management Curriculum

COURSE NOTE:  HCT810 - Business Management, HCT809 - Business Law, and HCT800A/B - Accounting are highly recommended but not required. This is an IB Diploma Program course that is featured in Group 3 (Individuals and Societies), but can also be used as a substitute for Group 6 (The Arts). 

This class is a two-year college-level course (four semesters), started in 11th grade. Each semester builds upon the previous semester in content and skills. This course can be taken as part of the IB Diploma Programme OR as an individual course separate from the Diploma Programme. 

Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. The most important aims of assessment in the Diploma Programme are that it should support curricular goals and encourage appropriate student learning. Both external and internal assessments are used in the Diploma Programme. IB examiners mark work produced for external assessment, while work produced for internal assessment is marked by teachers and externally moderated by the IB.  Students who successfully pass the IB assessments may earn college credit and/or advanced standing.
TYPE: International Baccalaureate
GRADE: 11-12
CO-REQUISITES: Grade 11 takes IBCT800A/B-IB - IBDP Business Management.  Grade 12 takes IBCT800C/D-IB - IBDP Business Management