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Architecture & Design Technology

Introduction to Architectural & Interior Design

This course is designed for students interested in an exposure to architectural design and construction practices. Students will use various 3D modeling programs to design a single-story residential building composed of foundation plans, floor plans, elevations, renderings and model building. Students will have the opportunity to utilize the laser cutter and 3D printer to build residential models. Students will also be exposed to job shadowing opportunities and career exploration within the field of architecture and design. Opportunities to participate in architectural competitions and field trips to expand exposure to architectural styles and influences are also offered throughout the course.

**Pathway: Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

COURSE NOTE: Completion of this course will fulfill .5 fourth-year credit Math or .5 credit Visual, Performing & Applied Arts, but not both, to meet graduation requirements.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12

Architectural Design A - CEA PLTW (Project Lead the Way)

This course is designed for students interested in a career in the architectural design, interior design or construction occupations. Students will use 3D modeling programs to design and draw residential/ commercial buildings and learn about creating construction documents composed of foundation plans, floor plans, elevations, sections, details, plot plans, renderings and model building. They will be exposed to 3D printing, laser cutting, various architectural styles, and design and construction techniques which will be beneficial post high school and for employment. Students will also be exposed to job shadowing opportunities and career exploration within the field of architecture and design. Opportunities to participate in architectural competitions and field trips to expand exposure to architectural styles and influences are also offered throughout the course. 

**Pathway: Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

COURSE NOTE: Combine with 04120 - Introduction to Architectural & Interior Design and 04170B - Architectural Design B to complete the state-approved formal CTE program for 1.0 4th-year credit Math or 1.0 exchange credit in Science or World Language or Visual, Performing & Applied Art.

Advanced placement college credit may be available and transferable to more than 100 colleges and universities throughout the nation through partnership with PLTW. Articulation may be available upon completion of this course.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: HCT820 - Introduction to Architectural & Interior Design
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HCT804B - Architectural Design B - CEA PLTW (Project Lead the Way)

Architectural Design B - CEA PLTW (Project Lead the Way)

This is the second part of Architectural Design course for students interested in a career in the architectural design, interior design or construction occupations. Students will use 3D modeling programs to design and draw residential/ commercial buildings and learn about creating construction documents composed of foundation plans, floor plans, elevations, sections, details, plot plans, renderings and model building. They will be exposed to 3D printing, laser cutting, various architectural styles, and design and construction techniques which will be beneficial post high school and for employment. Students will also be exposed to job shadowing opportunities and career exploration within the field of architecture and design. Opportunities to participate in architectural competitions and field trips to expand exposure to architectural styles and influences are also offered throughout the course.

**Pathway: Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

COURSE NOTE: Combine with 04120 - Introduction to Architectural & Interior Design and 04170A - Architectural Desing A to complete the state-approved formal CTE program for 1.0 4th-year credit Math or 1.0 exchange credit in Science or World Language or Visual, Performing & Applied Art.

Advanced placement college credit may be available and transferable to more than 100 colleges and universities throughout the nation through partnership with PLTW. Articulation may be available upon completion of this course.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HCT804A - Architectural Design A - CEA PLTW (Project Lead the Way)

Advanced Architectural Design A

This advanced course is for students interested in a career in Architectural Design, Interior Design or Construction. Students will learn about various aspects of civil engineering and architecture. Students will apply what they learn to the design and development of commercial and residential building design. The course provides student's freedom to develop the property as a simulation or for students to model the experiences and challenges that civil engineers and architects face. Students work in teams, exploring hands-on activities and projects to learn the characteristics of civil engineering and architecture. In addition, students use 3D design software to design solutions to solve major course projects. Students learn about documenting their project, solving problems and communicating their solutions to their peers and members of the professional community of civil engineering and architecture.  **Pathway: Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

COURSE NOTE: Completion of this course will fulfill .5 fourth-year credit Math or .5 credit Visual, Performing & Applied Art, but not both, to meet graduation requirements.
Instructor approval is needed for 11th grade students.

Articulation may be available upon completion of this course.
TYPE: Advanced
GRADE: 11-12
PREREQUISITE: HCT804A/B - Architectural Design - CEA PLTW (Project Lead the Way)
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HCT801B - Advanced Architectural Design B

Advanced Architectural Design

is the second part of the Advanced Architectural Design course for students interested in a career in Architectural Design, Interior Design or Construction. Students will learn about various aspects of civil engineering and architecture. Students will apply what they learn to the design and development of commercial and residential building design. The course provides student's freedom to develop the property as a simulation or for students to model the experiences and challenges that civil engineers and architects face. Students work in teams, exploring hands-on activities and projects to learn the characteristics of civil engineering and architecture. In addition, students use 3D design software to design solutions to solve major course projects. Students learn about documenting their project, solving problems and communicating their solutions to their peers and members of the professional community of civil engineering and architecture.

**Pathway: Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

COURSE NOTE: Completion of this course will fulfill .5 fourth-year credit Math or .5 credit Visual, Performing & Applied Arts, but not both, to meet graduation requirements. Instructor approval is needed for 11th grade students.  Articulation may be available upon completion of this course.
TYPE: Advanced
GRADE: 11-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take HCT801A - Advanced Architectural Design A

Architectural Design Studio A

This course is designed for students who are planning to pursue a career in Architectural Design, Interior Design or Construction. Students will develop a career portfolio of student-led projects that may be used for college admission or gaining employment within industry. Portfolios may include professional quality models, drawings, renderings, photo-realistic computer generated renderings, construction documents, etc. Students will also become proficient using the 3D printer and laser cutting machines. Students will be required to participate in two competitions throughout the course.

**Pathway: Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

COURSE NOTE: Completion of this course will fulfill .5 fourth-year credit Math or .5 credit Visual, Performing & Applied Arts, but not both, to meet graduation requirements.  Articulation may be available upon completion of this course.
TYPE: Advanced
PREREQUISITE: 04180A/B - Advanced Architectural Design 
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take 04190B - Architectural Design Studio B

Architectural Design Studio B

This course is designed for students who are planning to pursue a career in Architectural Design, Interior Design or Construction. Students will develop a career portfolio of student-led projects that may be used for college admission or gaining employment within industry. Portfolios may include professional quality models, drawings, renderings, photo-realistic computer generated renderings, construction documents, etc. Students will also become proficient using the 3D printer and laser cutting machines. Students will be required to participate in two competitions throughout the course. 

**Pathway: Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

COURSE NOTE: Completion of this course will fulfill .5 fourth-year credit Math or .5 credit Visual, Performing & Applied Arts, but not both, to meet graduation requirements.  Articulation may be available upon completion of this course.
TYPE: Advanced
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take 04190A - Architectural Design Studio A