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Middle School Online Resources

Attention: All resources accessed through the Farmington Library are currently unavailable.  The Library is working on a fix.  All other resources are available.

Michigan eLibrary (MEL)


Michigan eLibrary

Residents in Michigan are provided access to a number of electronic resources such as General Reference Center Gold, Health and Wellness Resource Center, LearnATest, and NetLibrary. FirstSearch research databases include Medline, ArticleFirst, ERIC, and WilsonSelectPlus; which provide access to full text articles and abstracts.

Gale - Biography in Context


Biography in Context

A comprehensive database of biographical information on more than one million people throughout history, from around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas.




Access all of the following resources using Clever:

  • Algebra Nation
  • Compass Learning
  • Imagine Math
  • Mcgraw-Hill - connectED

ProQuest CultureGrams



Educators, librarians, and administrators in tens of thousands of institutions worldwide rely on ProQuest to

  • Provide comprehensive, easy-to-use educational resources to power learning and increase student achievement
  • Enhance curriculum with age-appropriate, high-quality digital content from primary and secondary sources spanning thousands of titles and multiple media types
  • Provide landmark articles and electronic resources that illuminate all aspects of the most vital issues of our time
  • Inspire students to reach their fullest potential in the core curricula of Language Arts, Social Sciences, the Sciences, and Mathematics; and secondary curricula including the Arts, Multicultural Studies, and Technology and Vocational Education



Google Search

Google Search or Google Web Search is a web search engine owned by Google Inc. Google Search is the most-used search engine on the World Wide Web, receiving several hundred million queries each day through its various services.

Grolier Online


Grolier Online

The main menu at Grolier.com offers direct access to six important online encyclopedic resources.

  • America the Beautiful
  • Grolier Encyclopedia Americana
  • Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
  • Lands & Peoples
  • New Book of Knowledge
  • New Book of Popular Science



NoveList is a fiction database that provides subject heading access, reviews, annotations, and much more for over 135,000 fiction titles. It also includes other content of interest to fiction readers, such as Author Read-alikes, What We're Reading, Book Discussion Guides, BookTalks, and Annotated Book Lists. For school media specialists and teachers there are Picture Book Extenders and articles on Teaching with Fiction.

Gale Opposing Viewpoints


Opposing Viewpoints in Context

The links provided on this page leave the Farmington Public School website.
Farmington Public Schools are NOT responsible for accuracy, views, or content of these web sites.

Home Access


See your Media Specialist for passwords and id's for home access to the above databases.


M-Step Resources


M-Step Resources


Homework Help


Bartleby - Includes several reference books like Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Thesaurus, and More
Dictionary Reference    - Links to reference resources
Reference Desk - Source for Facts
SparkNotes - Online Study Guides




Connected Mathematics Site: https://connectedmath.msu.edu/families/homework-support.aspx

EasyBridge Login


Research Helps


The Big 6  - Step-by-step guide to writing research papers.




Academy of Achievement
American History 102: Civil War to the Present:
Who's Who in American History
Infoplease.com: Biography
PBS Biographies
Smithsonian for Students
The Nobel Prize Internet Archive




President of the United States
Presidents of the United States


Teachers' Lesson Plans


Awesome Library: Lesson Plans
Education World Lesson Planning Center
Library in the Sky: Lesson Plans
New York Times Daily Lesson Plan
NTTI Lesson Plan Database
PBS TeacherSource
ProTeacher: Lesson Plan Collections
Quia Directory
Scholastic Lesson Plans and Activities
Sites for Teachers
Teachers Corner
Teachervision.com's Lesson Plan Finder
TeAch-nology.com's Lesson Plan Center


Other Teacher Resources


Michigan Dept of Education K-12 Curriculum and Standards