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Board of Education Welcome & Information

Community Input

Individuals are encouraged to attend and participate at Board meetings. “Public Comments” on the agenda is intended to provide individuals with an opportunity to address the Board of Education. Those who wish to do so are asked to complete a request card, available at the back of the room. In the interest of fairness, the Board requests each speaker to limit comments to three minutes. Issues may be referred to the Superintendent for investigation, study and response.


Board of Education meetings are generally held the first and third Tuesdays of the month at the Maxfield Education Center, 32789 W. Ten Mile, Farmington. Attendance is welcomed. Regular Board of Education meetings are streamed LIVE online (To view the board meetings online, please follow this link to Stream Board Meetings.  Meetings of the Board are conducted for the purpose of carrying out the business of the schools and, therefore, are not meetings of the public and the Board, but Board meetings held in public.

Board Representatives

The Board of Education serves as a trustee for the Farmington Public School District. Board members express and represent the views of the community in matters affecting education. They set policy, approve educational goals and curriculum changes, and act on recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools. The Board has fiscal responsibility for approving the annual budget and maintaining a balanced budget at the end of the year.

Representatives to Local Groups

Board Members serve as representative delegates and continuing liaisons with the following: Farmington African American Parent Network (FAAPN), Head Start, Legislative (national, state, county), Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB), Oakland County School Boards Association, Farmington Area PTA Council, and Student Round Table.


For information about Farmington Public Schools, please write, email, or call:

Farmington Public Schools 
32500 Shiawassee Street 
Farmington, MI 48336-2338 

Parent Involvement

Parents are encouraged to be involved in their children's education and to participate in parent groups that meet in each building. Individual building groups are supported by district-wide parent groups to provide communication between parents and the school district.

If you are interested in participating in the parent group at the building level, please contact your building principal for more information.

Farmington Area PTA Council

Smoking Policy

In the interest of providing a safe and healthy environment for employees, students and visitors, smoking is prohibited throughout school buildings, grounds and vehicles. This includes parking lots and athletic fields. Please refer to Board policies 6007 and 6008, which were adopted effective October 2, 2018.