Board Community Dialogue - May 14, 2024
Board Community Dialogue - May 14, 2024 - Flyer
Flexible scheduling? Challenge: if robotics is only available after school, but so are sports, band, etc. students are limited to one or other. Block scheduling Well thought-out before implementing Concerns: Will colleges recognize these new courses in Math/ELA/CTE combinations? Will students who take these combo/alt classes be well-prep. for college if they choose to go? Neighboring districts are EXPANDING partner w/LTU. Nissan etc. for megatronics & other advanced STEM long experiences HACKBOTS ASK: There has been very little growth in program/curriculum or facilities since 2015
*How are we going to find the new/additional spaces we need for these courses/students/facilities? *If we are willing to invest in athletics facilities (when only a small % of student athletes go on to professional careers in athletics) why not invest in STEM “CTE”other facilities? * Including LATE START? Night Classes? Apprenticeships including work study? Internships? *More ops. For students to meet reqs via their passions and strengths! |
Kayleigh Bill Nancy Angie Kid-Developed INDY STUDY Requirements need to be laid out to meet certain levels Small class environment Path to College Studies AP/More STEM Constraints · Grad Reqs · # Students Honors Program · Xtra Credit · Get Honors for Above & Beyond Combine Classes / Credits · History + English Sports for PE |
Desirable self-study (Independent Study Kid developed. Engage kids in what they like.) Smaller classes – get to know address social classes that really benefit me. Self-Advocacy Combine Classes English & History, Sports for PE Take advantage of Learn & Teach Model 3 day learn touchpoint. 2 days teach ensure learn concepts Execute function – Time management Communication Organization Senior year should be especially if met all the requirements Restraints #Kids in class not enough to hold a class Grad early fluff class How is independent self-advocacy Hope Kids out of seats 4-day week–5th day (internship or volunteer over @ elementary) Figure out how to create more flexibility. |
4 Day work week w/volunteer or community opp. Project based learning Space & community support with extracurricular Help teachers & students find joy in academics teaching Parent Involvement/Community How do we/engage curious learner’s w/tech Industry Connection Models into The classroom /Career Exploration How do we make learning more fluid than seat time HS students lacking basic testing/study skills for college critical thinking skills, EF skills (basic email skills) Utilizing tech appropriately applying tech in real world Teaching responsibility *safe space to fail and explore |
More access to STEM – Experiences Courses Facility More Experiential “Hands On” Learning
Adjust start time of schools Waive Gym for Sports Blended Learning = Online & In-person Better Alternatives when schedule conflicts arise i.e.
A.I. & Critical Thinking
Promotion of programming & choices |
Get Out of Classroom Block Scheduling · Kids Break for Teachers · Great Social Aspect Pilot at Farmington + Better Scores Day Off ® Where FO Place to Go for Help Recitation – Review/Practice Ban Cell Phones Critical Thinking/AI Water Start Time Executive Function |