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Board Community Dialogue - January 26, 2023

School Safety - Infrastructure, Training, and Response to Threats - Flyer

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What do you understand about school safety training and A.L.I.C.E protocols?

Questions presented:
1. We have to do this training and these drills, but how does our talking about what we do/do not
know about A.L.I.C.E training move us forward to safer schools?
2. Does the training make them feel safe or just give them what to do/the motions to go through in
these situations?
3. When basic systems like a school PA system not working, how are we supposed to feel safe?
4. Power to back door-why is it not lit? Stairwell upon entry

  • How can kids focus on learning about the Civil War when they don’t feel safe? Lewisville, TX “America’s Safest School”
    For teacher lockdown alarm/button, cloud of gas on perpetrators etc. ….protective tech. in schools
  • Parents want more after-the-fact info on each lockdown and consequence to perpetrators.
  • Communication to parents on lockdown situations getting faster/better
  • Three lockdowns already this year. One during lunch. Snacks in backpack now

What are the preventive measures?

  • Way too many entry points to each building
  • More police cars/no police cars – BOTH=triggers for kids safety

What about more dogs in our buildings?

  • i.e. weapons/explosives, etc.
  • May help students feel safer
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Question #2

What do you feel contributes to the rise in school threats and/or violence?

  • Isolation
  • Forgot how to act in public
  • Been a problem for a long time
  • Violence seen as a way to solve problems
  • Normalization of violence
  • Social Media
  • Feeling left out
  • Anonymity
  • Missing learning how to stand up to bullies
  • How kids see things resolved by adults’/role models
  • Missing conflict resolution skills
  • Trophies for everyone
  • Don’t have moments where kids actually earn something
  • Bad role models/society
  • Discipline-no consequences
  • Farmington High e.g. Lack of awareness of consequences
  • Mental Illness up
  • I am supposed to get my way all the time.
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What role do adults outside of school play in helping to prevent school violence?

  • Police Presence
    Parked too far from school entrance
  • Leave for an hour at lunch
  • Students would feel safer with police at front door versus hanging out in their squad cars in the parking

Maximize our efforts toward preventing a bad outcome. Help kids feel safe.

  • Bullet proof doors
  • Line of sight
  • Cameras, etc.
  • How can I put my faith in other parents to engage when only 10 of us showed up to discuss school safety?
  • Adults could be more honest and speaking up when we see each other’s kids up to something becoming a “village” again.
  • Much more difficult now to feel comfortable “reporting” on other people’s kids who we know well (adults to adults)
  • Know your kids and their friends
  • How do we get that basic respect under control early (i.e. middle school so that it’s there when the students get to high school/life!
  • Have we done everything we can? NO!
  • What works versus what is just “safety theater?”


  • New – lack of understanding about it for parents and community.COMMUNICATE times 10!!!
  • Practice is important for just in case
  • A.L.I.C.E. developed after Columbine tragedy.
  • Teachers practice and talk through scenarios
  • Metal Detectors? It should be considered
  • Parent Survey to get an idea of how much community knows about safety protocols
Please see the text alternative in the next column


To what extent do social media, internet, video games, graphic or explicit music/television influence school safety?

  • Tik Tok Challenge
  • More access to bad stuff
  • Value given to toxicity
  • Cannot be what you can see. Kids see too much these days.
  • Exposure to negativity too normalized
  • Polarization intensity
  • What board policies should be considered in response to safety themes raised in community engagement session and how do we get back to community for feedback?
Please see the text alternative in the next column


To what extent do social media, internet, video games, graphic or explicit music/television influence school safety?

Social Medial Internet                                 

  • External influences                                   
  • Roasting- put down others                           
  • Leads to possible threats to school safety and/or individuals being involved in self harm
  • Copycats, mimic (harmful) actions they see online
  • Glorification of violence online, on video games characters, etc.

Explicit Music/TV & Video Games

  • Others involved online leading to bullying
  • Technology savvy/able to learn inappropriate manners
  • Open kids up to adults reaching out to them. Kids sharing info.
  • Video game violence creating rage, possible violence.