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English Learners

EL Parent Handbook
English Learner Parent Handbook


Due to the significant concentration of language minority students who are learning English as a Second Language, the Farmington Public School District, through the EL (English Learner) Department, provides programming and services intended to teach the bilingual student English as quickly as possible, while at the same time supporting their transition to the mainstream classroom. The services provided vary depending upon the level of English proficiency. These services include an Intensive English Program offered through the Newcomer Centers, small EL group tutorials, literacy groups, native language support, and one-on-one service. Bilingual/EL teachers and Bilingual Instructional Assistants that closely reflect the language backgrounds of our students staff the EL Program.

The goal of the Farmington EL Program is to raise the level of English proficiency of the students as quickly as possible so that they can function within mainstream classes, and avail themselves of the curricular and extracurricular offerings in the district.

The EL Department also offers an extensive teacher training program intended to enable teachers to include bilingual students in classroom activities, taking into consideration their language backgrounds and varying abilities. This training includes culture specific discussions, training in modifying and differentiating the curriculum, SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol), Second Language Acquisition Theory, and other related topics.