ADA Section 504
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act are federal laws intended to assure equal access to publicly funded agencies and organizations including public schools, public academies and charter schools.
Farmington Public Schools provides general education accommodation plans under the provisions of Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Your child may possibly be eligible and possibly qualify for an accommodation plan to address his/her educational needs in school. If your child has a health concern that may affect his/her educational experience and should you be interested in learning more about 504 provisions and possible evaluation for eligibility, please contact your child’s school administrator for more information.
District Documentation
Farmington Public Schools ADA Notice
Grievance / Complaint Procedure
Resource Documents
Need to Know about Section 504
Free Appropriate Public Education for Students with Disabilities (FAPE)
MDE Office of Special Education Memos
Testing Accomodations from the US Justice Department