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6 - 8 STEM


Extension & Enrichment Activities

  • Robotics: This is an after-school club that is an introduction to Lego Robotics. Club members will be using their creative and technical skills to build Lego machines and use computer software to program their machines. This is a cooperative cub where competition between members should be kept fun. Teamwork is essential and sharing your knowledge is encouraged.
  • TechGirls: This is a fun and engaging after school, one session event that 8th-grade experience that helps students see an inside glimpse of STEM classes offered in high schools. Girls will get to explore some of the awesome equipment we have in our programs to work on various technology challenges. 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC, Lego Mindstorms and more!  Attendees get some cool swag, snacks and get to have a lot of fun. Parents are also invited to a short presentation at the end of the event.  Each high school will be hosting one of these exciting events throughout the year.
  • STEMersion Saturday SeriesEmerging technologies in STEM-related careers for Farmington Public Middle School Students Grades 6-8 Parents and Middle School Students: Join us and learn how to prepare for future success by spending time exploring science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) related careers. Register to attend one or all three sessions. Admission is $10 (per family for each series) which can be paid by cash or check written out to “Farmington Public Schools.” Transportation will be provided.
  • Young Women of Wonder: Was held at Bosch on Saturday, November 11, 2017. Twenty-six middle schoolers attended a workshop where they heard first-hand from women engineers about their careers and why they chose to become engineers. They also experienced a soundproof noise, vibration and harshness chamber, visited a rapid prototyping lab to see how a digital file can be printed to create real 3D objects and competed in a Sphero Robot challenge.
  • STEMinista: Occurred on Saturday, December 9, 2017, at the Michigan Science Center. Sixteen young women spent the day with STEMinista role models exploring interesting facets within of the field of engineering, viewed the IMAX® film, Dream Big, engaged in a Q&A discussion, learned about coding, and programmed and learned how to fly a drone. The STEMinista role models are engineers from Ford, General Motors, Google, Grand Circus and Digital Lungz, and IMX Cosmetics. The goal of the STEMinista Program is to spark and maintain an interest in STEM for middle school girls. The programs aim to engage students in authentic STEM experiences designed to increase interest, confidence, and skill sets in STEM.