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Accelerated College Experience - ACE

A college degree...for free!

The Accelerated College Experience (ACE) program, a partnership with Oakland Community College, serves motivated high school students enrolled in Farmington Public Schools and participating Oakland County school districts. 

Students have the opportunity to graduate with a fully paid for associate’s degree and up to 60 college credits.  Graduated students then have the opportunity to transfer to a four year college or other postsecondary program.  

There is no cost to the student or family for tuition, books, required materials, or fees. Transportation to OCC classes is the responsibility of the students and families. 

Students apply for admission into ACE in the 10th grade and, if selected, begin the three-year program in grade 11.  To learn even more about the Oakland ACE Program, click here.


Oakland ACE students are required to attend a weekly College Success Seminar all three years of the program. Students also benefit from the monitoring and guidance of Oakland ACE staff, and professional counseling from both high school and college counselors.

Students accepted into the Oakland ACE program agree to an additional year of high school (grade 13). During the first year (grade 11), students attend both their high school and Oakland Community College for the equivalent of a half-time schedule each. Students attend their high school for typically two hours during the second year (grade 12) and spend the third year (grade 13) completely on the OCC campus.   Students can attend classes at their home high school either in-person or online.

Student programs of study are very individualized. However, the typical student enrolls in approximately 14 hours of college credit during grade 11, 20 credit hours during grade 12, and 28 credit hours during grade 13 (all during OCC Fall and Winter terms). This allows students the ability to earn the 62 college credits that many OCC degree programs require.

By joining the ACE program, students and families agree that the student will not be eligible to receive their high school diploma until the end of their fifth year of high school. At least one high school graduation requirement will be taken through OCC in the fifth year.  


Students admitted to Oakland ACE are required to attend a weeklong orientation program during the summer between grades 10 and 11. This program is designed to help students acclimate to the rigors of the early college program.

During all three years of the program, students are required to meet weekly in a seminar setting where they are engaged in a college readiness and life management skills curriculum. Topics include responsibility, attendance, preparation, follow through, communication, and stress management. Students learn to advocate for themselves. Students also meet regularly with Oakland ACE staff, who monitor progress toward both the high school diploma and associate’s degree.

Students have access to counselors at their high school and at OCC. 

Supplemental services such as tutoring, which are available to all OCC students, are also available to ACE students through campus Academic Support Center.

To learn even more about the Oakland ACE Program, click here.   

More questions about the ACE program? Contact Amanda McKay, Supervisor of Student Programs at ACE, Amanda.Mckay@oakland.k12.mi.us