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Education Benefits Form Information

Education Benefits Form Information

Beginning July 1st of every year, BUT not before July 1st, you must still fill out the current "EDUCATION BENEFITS FORM" and submit the completed online version, or return the printed form to your school.  The Free & Reduced Meal Application form is obsolete.   The form collects information needed to ensure the schools receive state and federal funding for education programs.  Since the total count of eligible students is used to determine the funding amounts that will be made available to a school,  the more forms returned the better.   Moreover, applying is the only way to see if you are eligible for waived fees on certain activities.  Families are asked to complete a new Education Benefits Form for every new school year unless you have received written notification from us telling you that your child is approved through Direct Certification for the new school year.  However, if your child is directly certified by the state, you still must file a sharing form with your preference clearly marked "yes" or "no".  Only one Education Benefits Form (SY 2024-2025 this year's form) is needed per family.  Applications submitted online may take up to 48 hours to process.  Paper applications may take up to 10 days to process.  Determination of your  application will be either emailed or mailed.  Please contact our office if you haven’t had a response within those time periods.

6 Reasons for Completing an Education Benefits Form

Education Benefits Form (Online Version) Be sure to use the "Apply for Benefits" tab when filing an application.

Education Benefits Form (Print Version).

Sharing Information Form (Print Version)  If you have filled out a Education Benefits Form (SY 2024-2025) and are determined to be eligible for other education programs like waiving Education Testing fees, the Chromebook Protection Plan, the Backpack Program and/or help from Charitable Organizations; complete the attached form and send it to either the Nutrition Office or your school's Front Office.