Kindergarten FAQ
Q. At what age can my child start Kindergarten?
A. Children must be 5 years old on or before September 1 to begin Kindergarten in the state of Michigan.
(Parents may apply for early enrollment by letter to the superintendent, for those whose birthdates fall between Sept 1 and December 1. A letter stating that the parent/guardian acknowledges the early start and attests to the fact that they feel their child is ready both academically and socially to begin Kindergarten)
Q. Where can we see a school attendance area map?
A. Information on a particular elementary school’s attendance area is available by viewing the District Boundary Maps and the Street Guide:
Q. How do we register our student(s) for Kindergarten?
A. All of our pre-enrollment is now online. This online process will allow parents to pre-enroll students and upload required documentation to a secure site.
Please review the information on the "Enroll in School" page before starting the online pre-enrollment process.
Q. What if I am not available to register my child during registration week?
A. Registration week is simply the first week that you can register for kindergarten. Kindergarten registration can be done any time after that week, all the way up until school begins.
Q. Will transportation be provided for my Kindergarten student?
A. Students attending all-day Kindergarten at their “home” school will receive transportation if they reside more than 1.5 miles walking distance to school as stated in the District’s current transportation policies and procedures. The all-day kindergarten students will ride with the grade 1-5 students to and from school. Additionally, if a school is deemed at maximum capacity; a nearby elementary school within Farmington Public Schools that is not at capacity will become a “Companion School,” and students will receive transportation to the Companion School via a district bus.
Q. Can my child go to another school in the district?
A. The only way for a child to attend a school other than their home school is through School of Choice. Please note that School of Choice happens before kindergarten registration, so there will be no School of Choice opportunities once registration begins.
Q. Will the Farmington STEAM Academy have a Kindergarten lottery?
A. Yes, the Farmington STEAM Academy offers Kindergarten through a lottery process that happens in January of the current year for placement in the next fall school year.
Q. How long is a All-day Kindergarten?
A. All-day Kindergarten is 6 hours plus one hour for lunch and recess.
Q. How much “down” or “rest” time will my Kindergarten student have during their school day?
A. The amount of “down” or “rest” time will be determined by the needs of the students as they acclimate to a full day schedule. This time will be shortened as the year progresses. An example might be 10 to 15 minutes of reading/rest time after lunch recess with additional time set aside for play activities later in the day.
Q. Are paraprofessionals in all of the Kindergarten classes?
A. Each Kindergarten classroom has paraprofessional support during the day.
Q. Is the entire curriculum the same at all of the elementary buildings?
A. The district curriculum has been adopted by the Farmington Board of Education and is aligned with Michigan’s Grade Level Standards. Each school follows the same curriculum, and classroom teachers will be using research-based best practices within their classrooms. A variety of additional strategies and resources may be used by classroom teachers to serve the needs of individual students.
Q. What are your Kindergarten year-end targets for the students? Throughout the school year, how do you assess the students on their progress?
A. Teachers provide a variety of assessments that help them tailor educational experiences to meet the needs of their students. Beginning-of-year, end-of-trimester and end-of-year assessment in reading, writing and math give data that support the progress and growth of each child. Additionally, teachers use assessments such as running records, surveys, and observations in order to collect data that help them know where each child is performing and what that child needs to challenge them to the next level. Parents will receive report cards three times a year.
Q. What physical activity do the children receive? Are Kindergarten students offered gym? When do the Kindergarten students play outside?
A. Kindergarten students have a 40-minute physical education class on an every third day rotating schedule with general music and art. Additionally, many Kindergarten teachers allow a brief outside play period as this is quite developmentally appropriate for this age child. Play is a good way to learn.
Q. Is there a music class?
A. Kindergarten students receive a 40-minute general music class on an every third day rotating schedule with gym and art. Additionally, classroom teachers incorporate musical experiences into the general curriculum as appropriate.
Q. Is there an art class?
A. Kindergarten students have a 40-minute art class on an every third day rotating schedule with gym and general music.
Q. Are world languages taught?
A. No.
Q. Will there be bus monitors to assist the bus drivers in watching our children?
A. Generally there are no bus monitors unless there are unique circumstances that necessitate one.
Q. What are the costs of before and after school care?
A. Before and after school care is provided by the YMCA. The YMCA program determines the cost, which can change from year to year. You can call the YMCA directly at 248-553-4020.
Kindergarten Parent Resources
Social and Emotional Health - A Guide for Families with Children Birth to Age 8
Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten
Getting Ready for Kindergarten: What Parents Can Do to Support Oral Language and Vocabulary
Parent Roadmap - Supporting Your Child in Kindergarten Mathematics
Early Childhood to Grade 12 Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies and Indicators
Young 5s Kindergarten
Farmington Public Schools will be offering Young 5s programming for our youngest learners for the 2025-26 school year.
This free full-day program may be a great option for families with Kindergarten-eligible students (turning 5 by December 1, 2025) who were born between June 1 - December 1, 2020 looking for an option that provides extra time for their child to grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
Young 5s provides an additional choice for families in addition to our excellent Kindergarten experience at our elementary schools. The schools that host the Young 5s program will be determined based on space, as well as interest in this program for a particular elementary building. Transportation is provided for the Young 5s program if the student is attending the program in their home elementary school.
If your child attends the Young 5s program in a school different from their home school, parents will be responsible for transporting their child to/from school.
If you feel that this might be a good fit for your child, please complete this form to provide additional information regarding your interest in your child participating in the Young 5s experience. After you fill out the form, you will be contacted with more information about the program. Please continue to enroll your child in Kindergarten in your home school.
Please see our Enroll in School page to begin enrollment!