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Atlas Rubicon

Atlas Rubicon
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During the 2014-2015 school year, the teachers and administration of Farmington Public Schools took an important step in making sure that we had an aligned, viable, and accessible curriculum for our students and families. Teachers met over the course of the year to align curriculum, create overarching questions and essential learning expected of our students, develop lessons and assessments, and identify resources for our four core content areas (English, Social Studies, Science, and Math) K-12.

Oakland Schools, our intermediate school district, provides a site to house our curriculum, sample lesson plans, and assessments called Atlas Rubicon. Thus, at the end of the 2014-2015 school year, our teachers made curriculum in each content area available in Atlas Rubicon.

Currently, the K-5 science curriculum is still under review and construction and will be available for viewing during the spring. Furthermore, the State of Michigan recently adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and science teachers district-wide will begin the process of aligning our curriculum, instruction, and assessments to the NGSS standards.

For questions regarding Atlas Rubicom, please contact Aaron Johnson, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services, at 248-489-3328.

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