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Instructional Services

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Our Promise to the Community

Each and every learner will become a:

Compassionate Community Member
Resilient Problem Solver
Empowered Collaborator
Strategic Communicator

Our Enduring Instructional Focus:

Through positioning, authentic learning, and noticing, we craft equitable and innovative learning experiences that promote our Profile of a Lifelong Learner, our promise to the community.

We craft learning environments that position each and every learner to be engaged - - in a way that they are invited into the learning, their thoughts are valued, and they know they are confident and competent to do the learning.

We design authentic learning opportunities that provide each and every learner the opportunity to learn higher level thinking and problem solving skills as well as knowledge of the world and people alongside their own passions and interests.

We actively notice, reflect on, and interrupt how our lived experiences, beliefs, and assumptions impact our behaviors and actions as we interact with each other and uncover the passions and interests of each and every learner.

Contact Information

Margaret Hendrickson
Director of Curriculum,
Instruction and Assessment

Margaret Hendrickson





Khristian Alexander
Executive Assistant, K-12 Instructional Services, and Innovation and Strategic Initiatives

Khristian Alexander





District Improvement