C.A.R.E.S of Farmington Hills
27835 Independence Ave., Farmington Hills, MI 48336 (enter on East side of building)
food pantry #: 248-474-8231 – Must call for an appointment and short qualification interview
Call during these hours: Tuesday thru Friday 9:30-10:50 am (messages can not be left)
Neighborhood House
29260 Grand River, Farmington Hills, 48336
Food Pantry by appointment. Call Terri at 248-871-2848 Walk in Pantry hours Thursdays 10:00am-12:00pm
Salvation Army
27835 Shiawassee, Farmington Hills, Mi 48336
Monday through Friday 9:00-11:30am and 1:00pm-3:30pm
Food Pantry Drive thru every Wednesday 10:00am. Emergency food is available as needed.
Temple Israel – Food Pantry/Forgotten Harvest
5725 Walnut Lake Road
West Bloomfield Township, MI 48323
248.661.5700 – Elaine Bertsch
Drive Thru pick up food at Temple Israel the second and fourth Thursday of every month, 2:00pm-4:00pm (First come, first serve)
Pontiac Headquarters
Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 9:30am-3:00pm
When you arrive, park near Door D and call 248-920-6000 x2225 to place your order.
Clarkston Food Pantry
5850 Dixie Hwy, Clarkston, MI 48346
Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 10:00am-3:00pm
When you arrive, park near main entrance and call 248-920-6000 x4403.